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It’s the Bomb

If you haven’t seen The Bomb-itty of Errors yet, get out there. Niko Koupantsis and Jameson Parker (the lovely ladies in Jay Haddow’s photo above) are especially funny. This show is playing at Studio 16 until April 22, but book now. If there is justice in...

Character Exercise

Want to give two-dimensional characters an instant third dimension? Try this. Make a list of characteristics, likes and dislikes for your character. Opposite that list, write opposing characteristics, likes and dislikes. Choose one of the items from the list of...

A Tool for Tunnellers

Some authors build bridges and some authors dig tunnels. In other words, some writers like to get a structure in place, an outline, before they launch into a story: these are the bridge builders. And other writers just burrow right into the tale. Local writer Lois...